Publishing Storybook: One main Storybook instance using Storybook Composition

This guide extends the Using Storybook in a Nx workspace - Best practices guide. In that guide, we discussed the best practices of using Storybook in a Nx workspace. We explained the main concepts and the mental model of how to best set up Storybook. In this guide, we are going to see how to put that into practice, by looking at a real-world example. We are going to see how you can publish one single Storybook for your workspace, even you are using multiple frameworks, taking advantage of Storybook Composition.

In this case, we are dealing with a Nx workspace that uses multiple frameworks. Essentially, you would need to have one Storybook host for each of the frameworks, containing all the stories of that specific framework, since the Storybook builder can not handle multiple frameworks simultaneously.

However, there is still the option to combine all the hosts into one single Storybook instance, using Storybook composition.

Letโ€™s assume that you have a structure like the one described in the previous example, and your client app and the client libs are written in Angular, and the admin app the admin libs are written in React.

First of all, you have to create two Storybook host apps, one for Angular and one for React. Letโ€™s call them storybook-host-angular and storybook-host-react, which are configured to import all the Angular stories and all the React stories accordingly.

Now, we are going to combine the two Storybook host apps into one, using Storybook composition. You can read our Storybook Composition guide for a detailed explanation for how Storybook Composition works. In a nutshell, you can have one โ€œhostโ€ Storybook instance running, where you can link other running Storybook instances.


We are going to assume that you are at the state where you already have your storybook-host-angular and storybook-host-react set up and ready to go.

Generate a Storybook host library

It does not matter which framework you use for the host Storybook library. It can be any framework really, and it does not have to be one of the frameworks that are used in the hosted apps. The only thing that is important is for this host library to have at least one story. This is important, or else Storybook will not load. The one story can be a component, for example, which would work like a title for the application, or any other introduction to your Storybook you see fit.

Directory Flag Behavior Changes

The command below uses the as-provided directory flag behavior, which is the default in Nx 16.8.0. If you're on an earlier version of Nx or using the derived option, omit the --directory flag. See the as-provided vs. derived documentation for more details.

So, letโ€™s use React for the Storybook Composition host library:


nx g @nx/react:lib libs/storybook-host --bundler=none --unitTestRunner=none

Now that your library is generated, you can write your intro in the generated component (you can also do this later, it does not matter).

Generate Storybook configuration for the host library

Since you do need a story for your host Storybook, you should use the React storybook configuration generator, and actually choose to generate stories (not an e2e project though):


nx g @nx/react:storybook-configuration storybook-host --interactionTests=true --generateStories=true

Change the Storybook port in the hosted apps

Itโ€™s important to change the Storybook ports in the storybook-host-angular and storybook-host-react projects. This is because the Storybook Composition host is going to be looking at these ports to find which Storybooks to host, and which Storybook goes where.

Update the project.json file of each library to set the port option to 4401 and 4402 accordingly:

1{ 2 // ... 3 "targets": { 4 // ... 5 "storybook": { 6 "options": { 7 "port": 4401 8 } 9 } 10 } 11} 12
1{ 2 // ... 3 "targets": { 4 // ... 5 "storybook": { 6 "options": { 7 "port": 4402 8 } 9 } 10 } 11} 12
Inferred tasks vs explicit tasks

Projects using inferred tasks might not have the storybook target defined in the project.json file, so you need to add the target with only the port option set.

If the project has the storybook target explicitly defined in the project.json file, you need to update or set the port option.

Add the refs to the main.ts of the host library

Update the libs/storybook-host/.storybook/main.ts file as shown below:

1import type { StorybookConfig } from '@storybook/react-vite'; 2import { nxViteTsPaths } from '@nx/vite/plugins/nx-tsconfig-paths.plugin'; 3import { mergeConfig } from 'vite'; 4 5const config: StorybookConfig = { 6 stories: ['../src/lib/**/*.stories.@(js|jsx|ts|tsx|mdx)'], 7 addons: ['@storybook/addon-essentials', '@storybook/addon-interactions'], 8 framework: { 9 name: '@storybook/react-vite', 10 options: {}, 11 }, 12 refs: { 13 'angular-stories': { 14 title: 'Angular Stories', 15 url: 'http://localhost:4401', 16 }, 17 'react-stories': { 18 title: 'React Stories', 19 url: 'http://localhost:4402', 20 }, 21 }, 22 viteFinal: async (config) => 23 mergeConfig(config, { 24 plugins: [nxViteTsPaths()], 25 }), 26}; 27 28export default config; 29

Serve the Storybook instances

You can now start your three Storybook instances, and see the composed result.

In three separate terminals run the following commands:


nx storybook storybook-host-angular


nx storybook storybook-host-react


nx storybook storybook-host

Then navigate to http://localhost:4400 to see the composed result.


To deploy the composed Storybooks you need to do the following:

  1. Deploy the storybook-host-angular Storybook
  2. Deploy the storybook-host-react Storybook
  3. Change the refs in libs/storybook-host/.storybook/main.ts to point to the URLs of the deployed Storybooks mentioned above
  4. Deploy the storybook-host Storybook

Use cases that apply to this solution

  • Workspaces with multiple apps and libs using more than one framework