The @nx/powerpack-conformance plugin allows Nx Powerpack users to write and apply rules for your entire workspace that help with consistency, maintainability, reliability and security.

The conformance plugin allows you to encode your own organization's standards so that they can be enforced automatically. Conformance rules can also complement linting tools by enforcing that those tools are configured in the recommended way. The rules are written in TypeScript but can be applied to any language in the codebase or focus entirely on configuration files.

The plugin also provides the following pre-written rules:

This plugin requires an active Nx Powerpack license

In order to use @nx/powerpack-conformance, you need to have an active Powerpack license. If you don't have a license or it has expired, the nx conformance command will fail.

Set Up @nx/powerpack-conformance

  1. Activate Powerpack if you haven't already

  2. Install the package


    nx add @nx/powerpack-conformance

  3. Configure Conformance Rules

    Configure the @nx/powerpack-conformance plugin in the nx.json file or in individual project configuration files. Consult the Conformance Configuration Reference section for more details.

  4. Run the nx conformance command in CI

Add nx conformance to the beginning of the CI process.

1- name: Enforce all conformance rules 2 run: npx nx conformance 3

Conformance Configuration Reference

1{ 2 "conformance": { 3 "rules": [ 4 { 5 /** 6 * Relative path to a local rule implementation or node_module path. 7 */ 8 "rule": "@nx/powerpack-conformance/enforce-project-boundaries", 9 /** 10 * Rule specific configuration options. (Optional) 11 */ 12 "options": {}, 13 /** 14 * The projects array allows users to opt in or out of violations for specific projects being reported by the current rule. 15 * The array can contain any valid matchers for findMatchingProjects(), by default the implied value is ["*"]. (Optional) 16 */ 17 "projects": ["*"] 18 } 19 ] 20 } 21} 22

Provided Conformance Rules

The following rules are provided by Nx along with the @nx/powerpack-conformance plugin.

Enforce Project Boundaries

This rule is similar to the Nx ESLint Enforce Module Boundaries rule, but enforces the boundaries on every project dependency, not just those created from TypeScript imports or package.json dependencies.

Set the rule property to: @nx/powerpack-conformance/enforce-project-boundaries

1{ 2 "conformance": { 3 "rules": [ 4 { 5 "rule": "@nx/powerpack-conformance/enforce-project-boundaries", 6 "options": { 7 // Optional 8 // Can be a boolean or an object with an array of buildTargetNames 9 "requireBuildableDependenciesForBuildableProjects": { 10 // Defaults to ["build"] 11 "buildTargetNames": ["build", "compile"] 12 }, 13 // Optional 14 "ignoredCircularDependencies": [["projectA", "projectB"]], 15 // Optional 16 "depConstraints": [ 17 { 18 // Must define either `sourceTag` or `allSourceTags` 19 "sourceTag": "string", 20 "allSourceTags": ["string"], 21 // Optional 22 "onlyDependOnProjectsWithTags": [], 23 // Optional 24 "notDependOnProjectsWithTags": [] 25 } 26 ], 27 // Optional 28 "checkDynamicDependenciesExceptions": [] 29 } 30 } 31 ] 32 } 33} 34


ignoredCircularDependenciesArray<[string, string]>[]List of project pairs that should be skipped from Circular dependencies checks, including the self-circular dependency check. E.g. ['feature-project-a', 'myapp']. Project name can be replaced by catch all * for more generic matches.
checkDynamicDependenciesExceptionsArray<string>[]List of imports that should be skipped for Imports of lazy-loaded libraries forbidden checks. E.g. ['@myorg/lazy-project/component/*', '@myorg/other-project']
requireBuildableDependenciesForBuildableProjectsbooleanfalseEnable to restrict the buildable projects from importing non-buildable libraries
depConstraintsArray<object>[]List of dependency constraints between projects

Dependency constraints

The depConstraints is an array of objects representing the constraints defined between source and target projects. A constraint must include sourceTag or allSourceTags. The constraints are applied with AND logical operation - for a given source project the resulting constraints would be all that match its tags.

sourceTagstringTag that source project must contain to match the constraint
allSourceTagsArray<string>List of tags the source project must contain to match the constraint
onlyDependOnProjectsWithTagsArray<string>The source can depend only on projects that contain at least one of these tags
notDependOnProjectsWithTagsArray<string>The source can not depend on projects that contain at least one of these tags

Ensure Owners

This rule requires every project to have an owner defined for the @nx/powerpack-owners plugin

Set the rule property to: @nx/powerpack-conformance/ensure-owners

1{ 2 "conformance": { 3 "rules": [ 4 { 5 "rule": "@nx/powerpack-conformance/ensure-owners" 6 } 7 ] 8 } 9} 10

Custom Conformance Rules

To write your own conformance rule, specify a relative path to a TypeScript or JavaScript file as the rule name:

1{ 2 "conformance": { 3 "rules": [ 4 { 5 "rule": "./tools/local-conformance-rule.ts" 6 } 7 ] 8 } 9} 10

The rule definition file should look like this:

1import { createConformanceRule } from '@nx/powerpack-conformance'; 2 3const rule = createConformanceRule({ 4 name: 'local-conformance-rule-example', 5 category: 'security', // `consistency`, `maintainability`, `reliability` or `security` 6 reporter: 'project-reporter', // `project-reporter` or `project-files-reporter` 7 implementation: async (context) => { 8 const { projectGraph, ruleOptions } = context; 9 // Your rule logic goes here 10 return { 11 severity: 'low', // 'high', 'medium' or 'low' 12 details: { 13 violations: [ 14 // Return an empty array if the rule passes 15 { 16 sourceProject: 'my-project', 17 message: 'This is an informative error message.', 18 }, 19 ], 20 }, 21 }; 22 }, 23}); 24 25export default rule; 26

Note that the severity of the error is defined by the rule author and can be adjusted based on the specific violations that are found.